We’ll be sharing and signposting our own and wider resources about singing and mental health resources
Free Blogs, Reports and Videos
What works wellbeing report
What music and singing interventions work to improve wellbeing of healthy adults? This briefing looks at all the available evidence to support better policy.
This reviews the evidence of impact on different populations that participated in group singing, listening to music and structured music interventions. Further evidence, with standardised reporting, could help us understand the characteristics of the most successful projects.
WHO Synthesis Report - What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being?
This report synthesises the global evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being, with a specific focus on the WHO European Region. Results from over 3000 studies identified a major role for the arts in the prevention of ill health, promotion of health, & management & treatment of illness across the lifespan
How can singing support mental health? Culture & Wellbeing Discussion Video
How can singing support mental health? This video discussion is with Singing Side By Side team members Liesbeth Tip (@harmonychoir), Sophie Boyd (Choir for Breathing, Glasgow) and Lewis Hou (Science Ceilidh, Culture & Wellbeing Community Network Scotland)
Community singing helps mental health recovery
Article by Liesbeth Tip summarising some of the key research behind how singing can support mental health recover
Recommended Books
“We are ‘hard-wired’ to sing.” This is the cornerstone of Dr Yoon Irons’ new book, fittingly titled, Singing. The book, co-authored with Professor Grenville Hancox, bridges the gap between research and practice, academic and everyday life contexts and provides an overview of current research on the benefits of singing for both mental and physical health.
Read more about the book on the blog post here!
The Confident Choir: A Handbook for Leaders of Group Singing
Dr Michael Bonshor’s book, ‘The Confident Choir: A Handbook for Leaders of Group Singing’, presents a set of confidence-boosting strategies for leaders of choirs of all shapes and sizes. Based on qualitative research findings, the book focuses on managing performance anxiety and developing self-confidence for singers and choir leaders.
Singing for People with Parkinson's
Designing and delivering singing sessions for people with Parkinson’s and other degenerative neurological disorders
Based on their extensive research, coupled with hands-on experience of running specialist choirs, the authors, Nicola Wydenbach and Trish Vella-Burrows, have produced a practical manual that will help singing teachers, musicians and allied health professionals in expanding their practice to work with people with Parkinson’s.
Free Blogs, Reports and Videos
WHO Synthesis Report - What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being?
This report synthesises the global evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being, with a specific focus on the WHO European Region. Results from over 3000 studies identified a major role for the arts in the prevention of ill health, promotion of health, and management and treatment of illness across the lifespan
Community singing helps mental health recovery
Article by Liesbeth Tip summarising some of the key research behind how singing can support mental health recover
Mental Health First Aid Training
One of our research team members, Michael Bonshor, recently completed training as a mental health first aider with Mental Health First Aid England. In response to the pandemic and the limitations of lockdown, the trainers at MHFA England are offering online versions of their intensive courses. Michael found that the online format worked well; it was very informative and interactive, with a supportive tutor who effectively adapted the course content and participatory activities to suit remote learning. It is hoped that offering online courses will help MHFA England to achieve their mission of training one in ten people in mental health awareness and skills. For more information, visit their website: https://mhfaengland.org/
The need for this kind of training is being increasingly recognized and more resources are becoming available. This week, Public Health England have released a package of short courses in psychological first aid, with a particular focus on the effects of crises such as the current pandemic. They are providing a general course for adults of all ages: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/psychological-first-aid-covid-19 and a similar course designed for people who work with children and younger adults: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/psychological-first-aid-for-children-and-young-people